Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Cyberpunk 2077 Wait A Day for Takemura's Call Glitch Fix

About This Sports Courier Gaming Video: TSC Gaming's Fred Richani shows you how to resolve the Cyberpunk 2077 Wait a Day for Takemura's Call glitch as part of the Down on The Street main story mission. The glitch occurs after trying to find/save Alt Cunningham as Johnny Silverhand and mission and when leaving the Chapel outside of Night City. The game tells you to wait for Goro Takemura to call you, only for it to never come. Driving around, forward time, and fast traveling doesn't seem to work. You somehow have zero or infinite health and can't call your car with a never-ending Johnny Silverhand generic guitar riff theme in the background. Annoyed yet? We were and we sure hope our Wait a Day for Takemura's Call glitch fix works for you on PC and whatever platform you're on!

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