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Help Sudanese Refugees: Saving AlGeneina Initiative

Help Sudanese Refugees: Saving AlGeneina Initiative

Saving Algeneina Initiative - Helping Sudanese Refugees

About This TSC Interview: TSC News TV host Fred Richani interviews Saving AlGeneina Initiative manager Sadeia Hamid about her grassroots organization helping Sudanese refugees and internally displaced peoples within Sudan and Chad, the Sudanese crisis encompassing war, gcide, famine, and occupation, the instability before/during/after former President Omar al-Bashir, as well as how YOU can help donate volunteer for this amazing cause. Please keep eyes on Sudan and save Sudan! About the Saving AlGeneina Initiative: Restoring Hope, Rebuilding Lives: Their mission is to help Sudanese refugees and IDPs seeking safety from war by providing essential medical care, food, and supplies through the Saving Alginina Initiative. Saving Children The main mission is to save and rescue permanently displaced children. Peace On The Planet By working with their partners, they aim to establish peaceful relationships. Care and Protection They provide care and protection to support refugees in Sudan and Chad.